Sunday, February 21, 2010

Boost, Quantlib working

I have managed to successfully get Boost working on the iPhone. The major sticking point was that the debugger was not working. Now it is.

Quantlib also compiles for the iphone. I now have to test it.

I would like to know what size limits exist for an iPhone app. QuantLib compiles to about 300MB.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Long time, long update

A lot has improved on the program. Just not the mathematica aspects.

Since the last blog, the game can play really well for a very long time on the iTouch.

Back-end improvements: Mostly fixes
Immediate exercise (subtle bug to fix)

Startup works well
Immediate exercise (subtle bugs to fix, unobservable in the wild)
Help extended.

Wish list:
Upgrade to QuantLib: Something is wrong with my debugger and it refuses to debug C++

Lua library: Needs to be well thought out.

Get a terminal working for Lua:
Back end works reasonably well. How can user add code?